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Discover the underlying

root-cause imbalances in your body that are holding you back from getting well

If you are:

  • Frustrated by being told everything looks normal, when you know something is “off”

  • Sick and tired of not feeling well and want to finally find answers

  • Not able to lose weight, no matter what strict diet or exercise program you have tried

  • Struggling with digestive issues, like bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea

  • Feeling alone on your health journey

  • Ready to achieve your health and wellness goals using a natural holistic approach

Then let me help you dig deeper and find the root-cause to your health concerns 

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Reach Your Health Goals

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Lose Weight

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Brain Fog

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Increase Energy

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Live a Healthier


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Our Mission

At Root-Cause Integrative Health, we believe in a holistic, whole-body, approach to health and wellness. We focus on discovering the underlying root-cause imbalances in your body that are holding you back from getting well.


By removing any toxicities and replacing any deficiencies, we are ultimately rebalancing the body, and allowing it to heal itself.


We will work with you to create a personalized plan, that includes nutrition and lifestyle changes, to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.


We empower individuals to take control of their own health.

Integrative Health Practitioner

Meet Rachel

After seeing multiple doctors and being told all my labs were normal, I started to feel hopeless. That is when I turned to a more natural approach to my health and discovered the underlying root-causes to my issues. If you are fed up with not feeling well and want to finally find answers to your health concerns, let me help you dig deeper and achieve your wellness goals. 


Discover how to achieve your wellness, weight loss, or longevity goals on a complimentary 15-minute discovery call.
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